Friday, June 14, 2019

Lack of Motivation at Work – What Are the Reasons?

lack of motivation at work

48% of employees around the world don’t like their jobs and lack of motivation at work is one of the main reasons. That is alarming indeed, but if we look closer and dig deeper, we find that there are hidden causes beneath the lack of motivation rug.

In this post, we’ll address them.

Reasons For Lack of Motivation at Work

1. Not being able to get your idea across the board

Companies tend to listen to their employees. However, the tough get tougher for those employees who are not listened to. Their ideas are constantly subjected to sieves and red tapes until they find no passion for trying to bring a positive change in their workplace.

If this is your case, know that your ideas are worthy and that you need to persevere to be heard. Or if you are an owner of a company, please keep unnecessary rules at bay.

2. Lost direction

Employees tend to lose motivation when they find that their company is going in the wrong direction. In such cases, they completely or partially lose their confidence in their bosses until their productivity level tumbles down.

As an employee, if this happens, you should go with the flow and maintain your workflow. As an owner, if you think this is the cause, start taking some bold decisions to mend your company’s ways.

3. Loss of communication

Open office floors are in fashion because they allow greater communication to take place between the employees on a daily basis. While that could keep their nerves active, what really motivates them to go forward is the apt communication between an employee and the owner.

Maintain a robust communication with your employees if you want them to do whatever there is for the sake of productivity. Shower some good words, value their work. And if you are an employee, make sure you’re heard. Take your projects personally to the head’s office and look for chances where you could communicate with him or her.

4. Venomous coworkers

A workplace derives its pleasantness from the way coworkers see each other. If there are enmities between them over pushing papers and competing unnecessarily, then there’s a problem for everyone.

As an owner, you’ve to make sure there are no groupings among your employees. If there are some, one way to dissolve them is taking all of them on a retreat or involving them in a joint activity.

If you’re an employee, you can always raise the issue with the HR. There’s nothing more important than surreal workplace and understanding coworkers.

5. Low self-efficacy

This happens to a lot of employees and chances are you might be experiencing this, too. A lack of self-efficacy can result in low to no motivation at all. It is not hard to understand as you can’t really work when you think you’re inefficient or insufficient for it.

To tackle this, always grow your skills and remember that failure would only push you forward. You really don’t know if you’re not for something when you don’t try it.

As an employer, you can always invest in making your employees more capable to fend off lack of motivation at work because of incompetence.

The post Lack of Motivation at Work – What Are the Reasons? appeared first on One Night Challenge.


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